Mini Haul : HBC (Sunblock Alert)!

It's been months since i last posted something here. Well, the usual reason was and will always be school. XD Moving on, i ran out of sunblock and replaced it immediately. You know and feel how the sun is shaking the ground with extreme heat right? So there goes the reason why i went to HBC to shop. Here's what i got. 

I really love this sunblock. It does not give any sticky or uncomfortable feeling. After applying, it dries and blends. Although it has shimmers (not much), I give this one two thumbs up! And yes that means i'll be repurchasing.PRICE: P180.00

See that? Aside from protecting your skin, this sunblock works like a whitening lotion. hahaha  :P

This is the first time that i bought false eyelashes. Actually, i do not need one because i have long lashes. So why? I wanted to see how it adds drama to the whole eye look. Next month, i will do some photo shoot for my upcoming website. PRICE: P20

That's it! I'll be updating this blog this week. XD 


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