Hello February 2016!

I know I have been away for too long. It's not unusual. Every year I say the same thing (hahaha :P) Well, you know how life can be tougher than usual right?

Let me start this year with a little of what I did. And yes, it's not really something to know, but this will give you an idea why I opt for a different fashion now.

I first worked for Emerson and transferred to a waste water company. That is from sleepless nights to overflowing human waste. No. I don't clean comfort rooms. I design treatment for any types of waste water and that would mean a dirty job literally. The thing is, Field work is making my hair "malagkit" and skin darker. And i'm getting these breakout from all the dirt. Lastly, I can't use my heels.

Apparently, this year is a year of blowing my mind with the kinetics of microbes - that's actually fine but the part where I can't wear all those cute dress and curl my hair isn't.

So follow me as I engineer waste water in style. <3


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